Friday, July 3, 2009

How to bypass OpenDNS redirect in firefox

Before 3-4 month i was using open dns to as dns server. As bsnl dns servers are very weak to locate sites and i am getting page not found error. And 2-3 days back now shifted to open dns because of same issue. But when i shifted to open dns i was getting redirected to OPEN DNS google search page from firfox address bar. Its good to be productive firefox which always searches for "I am feeling lucky" first and then show's google results.

Behind the screen: what was happening when we type some query in firefox address bar? When we press go or enter the firfox+google campaign serch url send to open dns server. which was getting detected by opendns and then we are getting redirected to open dns's own google search page. Its because open dns uses filters for query sent via firefox and returns results on own page.

So how to get ride on this? Goto forfox and type about:config.

Now search for "keyword.URL" and edit its value by to "".
above is google search page query for I'm feeling Lucky or you may put any query in place of this just keep in mind to place query "&q=" or your "&search=" at the end of query string.

I hope this is useful for you! Comments and feedback appreciated!


  1. not clear what to do in the end after modifying the value

  2. This step doesn't work. You need to open the resolv.conf file and add # symbol to the OpenDNS Server Addresses. No use deleting them because these buggers have some way of putting it back.
